Answers for you

We all try to find answer about the meaning of life and how the world work. Here, you ll get your answer, but only about Kobra

Kobra is the solution that all person who are use to print on textiles was waiting for. A simple solution to optimized every file for less ink and better render.

Kobra never sleep, eat a lot, and reject tons of .tif everyday. Belive us, it’s not the better pet in the world.

And, even if you try to be nice with him, he will never talk and telling you about his childhood or where is it from. Yes, Kobra it’s kind an asshole full of .tif, but, he work great.

Chrome, Mozilla, Safari, Opera. In fact almost all of them. If you have issu with the website, contact us, we will clean your computer.

Kobra take care of his health and control is weight. Kobra eat a lot but, maximum 15MO at the time. If you need to feed him with huge file, send it to us throught the contact form.

It will take more time, but It will be done.

KobrAPI doesn’t have limit ; )

With your credit card you can buy package of 10 or 25 images. You have all the time you want to use package, and If you want KobrAPI, just ask us.

We refund only if you are not satisfied by the file Kobra create for you. Contact us with link to your file and our team will reach you soon to do what need to be done

Don’t know dude, have you try to came from behind ?

If you are still lost after those explanation, feel free to ask us anything you want, and no, we are not available to pick you up to the airport on sunday.