It’s all start with an observation

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It’s all start when we were in your situation. Spending too much time on a client file trying to get the best result as we can without loosing lots of money on ink. This time is difficult to bill to a client because file preparation depend on the file you have to work with.

We thought that it was possible to improve that process, so, as a band of geek that we are, we’ve develop Kobra with one goal. Offering a full automatization process. Not just few little thing to help. The artificial intelligence implemented into Kobra read every pixel of your file to optimized it. After years of developement and adjustement throught thousand of image, Kobra now is able to so great things your files that you can actually see it. The textile you print is beautiful. The color are here, the shadow or gradient are perfect, the color are strong and, your ink level is still up !

Kobra is the smoothless way to go from receving your client file to print it on a Kornit printer.

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